The health of an organization ultimately determines its success. This assessment is designed to give you a clear and unbiased look at how your company is really functioning. The survey focuses on the four moves all high-performance organizations make:
- Bet on leadership
- Act as one
- Win the heart
- Excel at execution
If you want to create a high performance organization, which of the four moves should you focus on first? Are there gaps between leadership's perception of reality and the point of view of your front-line workers? Where are your blind spots?
The Chess Not Checkers Organizational Assessment has been created to help you find the answers to these questions.
This tool gives your entire staff the opportunity to share their true thoughts, concerns and ideas about the organization – in complete anonymity. After the results have been tabulated, each report is customized based on your current strengths and opportunities. Then, armed with these insights, you can confidently begin to chart a clear path to your preferred future.
Please note the assessment is designed to be administered by your company’s senior-most leader. The email address provided at purchase should be that of the senior leader & will be used to provide access to an assessment dashboard to complete a self-assessment, initiate the survey, and monitor the results.